It's only been 7 months since I've blogged. Or a lifetime, whichever.
My baby is 9 months old now. And lazy. She refuses to crawl. She leap frogs or scoots, and is now pushing up. She has had 4 teeth for 4 months now. Nothing new on that front, just drool. The little amazon is 29" long and 20lb. 7oz. She wears 12-18mo. clothing. She dances, fights naps, and gives very slobbery open mouthed kisses for fun. She makes me laugh daily. I love her personality, and I'm so happy she's mine.
I've worked on the Marion Suite of the Palmetto Health Heart Hospital for almost 6 months now. I'm an early bird on a night owl schedule, and most times I feel like a tired buzzard. That being said, I love my job. There will always be "those days," but I couldn't see myself doing anything else.
My hubby, well he's handsome as always. No changes there.
And our home... well, it's finally feeling like home. It's been tough since Uncle Joe left us last summer, but Joseph is finally home and it almost feels like old times. We are starting to recognize our yard, he cleaned the porch off for us, and by Summer, I plan to make it look like we actually live here.
It's nice to actually make plans for the next short while. Even if it's only working on making freezer meals, learning how to sew well enough to supplement our wardrobes, and planning a birthday party for my chunk.
What have you been up to?