Not that I have this huge following that tracks my blog attendance, but I would like to be more regular with my posts.
Let me remind you, I am in my next to last semester in nursing school... no other excuse necessary.
This is what I've been brewing lately...
I have been super stressed about school. I have not been doing well, and all my studying wasn't enough. I got some great tips, and I put them to good use. Thanks for those!
Really, though, I have had a deep-seated peace about all the chaos. I know that I can do this and I know that I will. I thank the Lord that He is with me and leads me in wisdom.
I did well on the most recent tests I took. I plan to study and apply the material even more in these last few weeks. I am encouraged, and it feels great. I plan to knock out my Well Elder paper/teaching plan and my Patho Paper this weekend. I will start studying for the Neuro test when I finish those. I love having plans and the motivation to go with them. :)
I had a hospice rotation today. I enjoyed it, but I have a tendency to get too attached to people, so I know it likely would not be in the cards for me. Cardiac is my passion. I finished my five weeks of psych nursing clinicals yesterday. I will miss my patients. It's funny how much they taught me, and how little I expected to gain from it. I will never lose those memories now.
I've always felt that I don't fit in. Sure, I have a bazillion acquaintances, and I'm a stranger to none, but there are few I let see my vulnerable moments. I'm the odd ball out, and I have very few good friends. Sometimes, I feel so lonely, and other times I'm so exhausted that I feel it's best this way. Anyway, last Saturday, I felt I connected with people. Not patients, peers, or instructors. Friends. We had dinner with my husband's best friend from childhood and her husband. I was extremely happy to connect, as we don't often get the chance, and I'm thoroughly pleased to plan further get-togethers with them.
Lastly, I decided to stop saying what I plan to do. I'm just going to do it. If it is noticed, fine. If it isn't, fine. I've got to do things for me, not for how I think others perceive me. And that's that.
Just an old pic from Christmas 2010, but I always feel at peace when I see it. Yes, those are pajamas.