I have successfully finished my fourth semester of nursing school. One more semester and then NCLEX and I will be Brittany Blankenship, RN. May 15, 2014, I will walk across the stage and officially be a college graduate. I wish my Daddy could be there. I'd be the first generation in my family to do so. There is so much attached to this journey, and I am thrilled to be still standing.
We are so close to Christmas. 9 days, people. Finished your shopping? We have, and I think we will continue to be October shoppers every year. That has taken a lot of stress off of me, and allowed us to avoid terrible traffic! I am so looking forward to Christmas this year. We will have Christmas Eve dinner at my brother and sister-in-law's house and Chris and I will head to my aunt's house after for her annual party. Christmas morning brunch at my in-laws then opening gifts. The gifts may not be worth much monetarily, but I can't wait to see everyone's expressions when they open them, because we chose each one with such care. Oh, it's going to be wonderful.
I'll post pictures after everything settles, maybe the day after.
And, giving Christmas its due respect, I look so forward to 2014. I feel the Lord has so much in store for us. Life will take turns that it never has before. I will be employed again in a career that I love. We will pay down accumulated debts. We will look to move after then. Such adventures await us!
What are you looking forward to? Christmas, New Years, a day sometime next year? A penny for your thoughts...

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