Don't misunderstand me; this is not a 'pity post.' Encouragement I can accept, but I will not accept pity. (Hint: any suggestions will be taken into consideration.)
I feel like I'm struggling to tread water right now. This is my last semester, and it really isn't a difficult one. I enjoy my classes and actually look forward to the reading assignments for Maternal Child.
But life does not stop to accommodate me. In the past couple of months, Chris and I have moved in with my in-laws because of financial and conditional concerns with the trailer. This has been a struggle. I love being here, but it's also hard to fit two families with differing routines under one roof. It has been an adjustment, especially considering that I'm just now emerging from food aversions, random bouts of nausea and tossing my cookies, and major fatigue. (And did I mention that we still haven't moved most of our stuff? I have to fit that in sometime during this month.)
The problem is, I've escaped the first trimester to be introduced into a whole new realm of adversity: migraines and "pregnancy brain." I did not realize pregnancy brain was real. I've heard it mentioned, but brushed it off. IT IS REAL, PEOPLE. On my last NUR 215 test, my brain left me hanging on three different concepts that I had studied and rehearsed for two weeks. I ended up looking at the paper as if I had never learned English or something. I wanted to cry, but could only laugh at the absurdity of the situation.
And these migraines need to go. I can't remember not having a headache now. They lighten up some around lunch time and then build up the later it gets. After supper, I'm usually laying in a dark, quiet room with a cold cloth on my head trying to escape the aura. Considering that that's my study time, this isn't working out so well. I'm thinking of asking my doctor about Fiorcet when I go back for Bean's checkup. It used to work great, but I went a while without having migraines, so I stopped taking it. I'm not sure what category it is offhand, but something's got to help, and soon.
And the latest on Bean. Technically, I'm between 16 and 17 weeks right now. Problem with that is, I've felt movement for two weeks now. And that's not the light, fluttery movements. I felt those at 13 weeks and the nurse told me it was gas. I don't know about everyone else, but gas does not feel light and fluttery to me. I have IBS and gas hurts. But we'll see. Whether I measure sooner than my due date or not, this child is at the very least an active one.
Latest cravings, you ask? (Actually, you probably don't care, but if you clicked to read the blog post, I may as well give you material...) Baked potatoes. Green beans, lima beans, and milk gravy from Shealy's- all mixed together. Fruit, especially strawberries, melon, and grapes. And sometimes I'll just want a specific place or type of food and I'm good when I get it. But I think I could eat my weight in baked potatoes. Considering Chris's family nickname is Spud, this baby's womb service orders are right on target. :)
Latest Christopher statements that I found ironically hilarious....
After telling Chris I needed to shave my legs and I felt like a gorilla, but didn't have the energy: "No, you're my koala; they're cute."
Sitting in church with the whole family in Lexington: "You're getting to be more Bean than belly." (Why thank you, love, I hadn't noticed my fluffiness could be mistaken for baby belly.)
Oh, I love this man. And this life that only I live.
But on the bright side....
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