So here's what's new lately.
We're having a baby girl. Her name is Abbigail Hope Blankenship, and her due date is August 14th. She is currently aspiring to be a gymnast, an acrobat, or a stunt double. We're not sure yet.
Abbigail (Abbi)'s daddy is 6' and her mommy is 5'9'', so she is going to be a little amazon. Check out that foot.
I have perpetual hot flashes. It's not fun. I saw an ad for some kind of cooling bra by Lane Bryant in my email earlier and almost cried out of gratitude and poverty lol.
My husband's best friend from childhood has been the greatest during this pregnancy. I'm weird and never stayed in one location long during childhood, so my friends are few and the distance is far between us- literally. She is awesome. And hosting our coed baby shower. I'm tickled pink. And green, navy, and white. Those are our colors. And safari is our theme.
I have my pinning ceremony May 13th. I'm excited. And simultaneously bummed. It's weird. I'm going to miss everyone. And adult interaction during the daytime with people that have estrogen.
I have one week left of clinicals. I had my CCU/ICU clinicals this week. We had three patients to leave this earth. It's an odd feeling to watch the heart slowly give out on a monitor, and not one I care to repeat. It's also strange to gingerly care for a body when the person no longer inhabits it. It's as if you mourn for them by preparing the shell of who they were.
I don't know that we can do much about death when it's time, but to live our lives even more so in their memory.
So I vowed to live and love more fervently, to go about with a purpose. I have something planned for my hubster this weekend to remind him that life isn't a tragic merry-go-round of monotony, but a journey of wonder and awe given to us by a Creator who loves and enjoys us. I'm so excited for him, for us, for life.
And I wanted to leave you with the why behind the name chosen for the new life we have been blessed with. Abbigail is a Hebrew name meaning 'source of the father's joy' or 'joy of the father' and Hope is a biblical principle of a future certainty, not a wishful thinking. Abigail was the wife of King David that honored her first husband before he was condemned. She pleased the Lord and was honored. She brought the Father joy. Our Abbigail brings us joy, and we will raise her in honor of her Heavenly Father, to please Him. She is also the fruition of our hope, for I was told I could not conceive because of health reasons. We refused to believe that, and hoped (had a certainty for the future) in the Lord. He honored our desires.
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