Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Thankful on a Lazy Day

Oh so much I could say.

I'm being lazy today.  Well, pretty much.  I've slept horribly the past few nights and tried to catch up this morning.  When I woke up for the final time, my tension headache had gone away, so I'll take that as progress.

I'm looking through my NCLEX-RN review course book.  And I'll answer some questions on another review site later.  It all feels surreal.  I will become a Registered Nurse and a Mommy in less than 3 months.  Big girl panties, here I come.

And we're moving.  This weekend. An hour and a half away.  We've been blessed with an opportunity, and we're stepping out on faith.  We technically don't have the numbers in our bank account to support the decision, but we sowed a seed a while back and this is its fruition.  We know that God "shall supply all our needs according to His riches and glory by Christ Jesus."  He always has.

We've enjoyed being with my in-laws.  At first, it was a little hairy.  I'm proud of my husband for swallowing his pride.  It's hard for a man to move his wife and unborn child in with his parents.  Now, we're bittersweet about the separation process.  I've thoroughly enjoyed annoying my father-in-law lol.  And my mother-in-law has been great with helping me through this last leg of nursing school.  It's great having an experienced nurse in the household to help me rationalize.  We've had many laughs and our gripes have been few.

As it is, I have a chikawawa (chihuahua for those not in the know) glued to my right hip.  I'm sure he'll miss us.  He already whines at our door when we're out of town for the weekend.  Hopefully, it won't be a difficult transition for him.

Even knowing the work ahead with packing, unpacking, looking for affordable furniture options, and getting Abbi's room ready for her arrival, I have such a peace.  Even NCLEX doesn't give me fear.  I will be successful.  I refuse to allow doubt to creep in and rob my security.  (Besides, the chikawawa's GI tract just robbed me of fresh air. Ugh, gag.)

This is a new chapter for us.  We have made decisions of faith as a couple, but this is our biggest.  I'm giddy to know what the Lord has in store.  And grateful to know that He intimately cares for us.

If I can get things in good order, I'll post some pics of our first home.  Before, we lived in our brother-in-law's place that was relinquished to us.  We've been with my in-laws.  This will be our first "just us" home.  We are blessed.

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