I moseyed over to check facebook, and saw pictures of people I haven't seen in what seems like ages now. It made me want to return to those times, since I've been surrounded by so much stress lately. And with our church's Old-Fashioned theme for homecoming, I again contemplated why we long to return to another time. Why is the idea so appealing? And then it hit me: we long for a simpler, less complex existence. We forget that those times had problems of their own, and the technology we complain so much about now has solved some of those problems while creating a few others. In a nutshell, no one is content with any circumstance in any era unless they know the One who placed them there. The one factor that has remained the same throughout time is our need for our Savior. Everything else may change, but Jesus Christ is the same- yesterday, today, and forever! (This reminds me some of our bible study last night (the first of many!) that went so well.)
So, while I drink this hard-earned coffee and think about studying :) I will be grateful for the peace I have in the midst of the chaos. I may falter, but the Word of God is there to help me up and back on my way. He shall be a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Let the Lord light your way today too. Don't stumble when He's so willing to guide you.
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